Monday, October 7, 2024

Ask The Parkers

Parker Hearing Institute has run an ever-changing series of award-winning advertorials in the newspaper Daily Breeze since 2012. No two “columns” have been the same. The format is a Question and Answer, the questions coming from the public, the answers coming from Dr. Parker and his son Josh Parker.

The series is still ongoing to this day. We take questions from  persons who are concerned or puzzled about hearing or hearing aids and we answer them in non-technical language, and we even take on the hard topics. The ad series won an award from SMG Marketing for Outstanding Public Information Advertising in 2013. A representative sample is shown here. Ask for our self-published booklet of 65 Q&As by phoning the office or drop by our offices. The booklet is free in exchange for your contact info or email.

Would you like a free booklet containing 65 most-asked questions and answers?
Simply call us at 310-540-4327 or email us at and ask for the “Ask The Parkers” booklet. It’s free in exchange for your contact information.

Parker Hearing Institute – We’re Better Because WE Care!

Call today to schedule your appointment or learn more – (310)540-4327
Parker Hearing Institute has run an ever-changing series of award-winning advertorials in the newspaper Daily Breeze since 2012. No two “columns” have been the same. The format is a Question and Answer, the questions coming from the public, the answers coming from Dr. Parker and his son Josh Parker.
The series is still ongoing to this day. We take questions from  persons who are concerned or puzzled about hearing or hearing aids and we answer them in non-technical language, and we even take on the hard topics. The ad series won an award from SMG Marketing for Outstanding Public Information Advertising in 2013. A representative sample is shown here. Ask for our self-published booklet of 65 Q&As by phoning the office or drop by our offices. The booklet is free in exchange for your contact info or email.
Would you like a free booklet containing 65 most-asked questions and answers?
Simply call us at 310-540-4327 or email us at and ask for the “Ask The Parkers” booklet. It’s free in exchange for your contact information.
Parker Hearing Institute | We’re Better Because WE Care!